Archive for November, 2010

November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving Menu

Normally, I write posts here to complain about something. Tonight, I am trying something different…

Not that posting ones menu is all that “unique,” in general, but it certainly is unique to me.

My Turkey-Day Menu:

Turkey (Duh)

Tropical Fruit Pineapple and Orange Glazed Ham (Are apples tropical??)

Gumbo (Shrimp, Chicken, Sausage)

Sweet Potato Souffle (with crumble topping)

Herb Red Potatoes (Skillet Style)

Mac and Cheese (Double Duh)

Greens, mixed Turnip and Mustard (With smoked turkey wings)

Green beans (slow cooked, with smoked turkey necks)

Homemade orange, cranberry sauce

Rolls, rolls, and more rolls (not a fan of cornbread – weird, I know)

Sarafina Dream Banana and Strawberry filled White Cake (courtesy of sis n law)

Red Velvet Cake (courtesy of sis in law)

Sweet Potato pie (courtesy of sis in law)

Yes… tomorrow is going to be a day of good eatin’.

Happy Turkey Day to all… and to all a good night – I’m beat!

November 9, 2010

Palin Lashes Out At WSJ Reporter, Misquotes Story

Facts and Palin just don’t mix.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

::impersonates Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin::


There goes the LAME STREAM MEDIA again and their fact checking and using the words that come out of my mouth to prove that I haven’t a clue of what I’m talking about. The important thing here is not that my data is, in fact wrong, it’s that the American people get that I’m a real person, just like they are; and, also, too, Mister Fancy Elitist_Pants Wall Street Journal Guy with your fat_juicy steaks and succulant (succulent) lobsters every night for dinner, real people like me notice when our food prices rise 0.011111% from the previous year. Perhaps that’s not a lot where YOU live, but I absolutely refudiate and refuke (rebuke) everything that passes through your educated lips as I am a TRUE American scraping by like everyone else and if it wasn’t for the hundreds of thousands of dollars I make at speaking arrangements I would be on the streets, in line for free government cheese and chicken broth, waiting for retirement age so that I could live off of Medicare and Social Security.

The LSM just don’t get it!