Posts tagged ‘Barack Obama’

November 11, 2012

A Liberal’s Advice to the Republican Party

As a liberal, I believe that our country is better served when we have two parties who are willing to compromise on things that will make things better for the country. We aren’t best serve when only one voice or ideal prevails.

So here is my advice:

The Economy

Let go of your trickle down economic theory. It hasn’t worked. No matter how much you want to deny that republicans have had a lot to do with the shape of our economy, starting with Reaganonics, you will eventually have to open your eyes. Democratic economic policy has not been perfect, but President Bush had 8 years to change anything about the Clinton years that he felt didn’t work. Instead he lowered taxes during wartime. That has never happened in the history of the United States. That is not fiscal responsibility. If you want people to take conservatives seriously when it comes to being a fiscal conservative, this means you have to BE a fiscally responsible conservative. This means that, while you are talking about cutting programs to the poor and working class, you HAVE to talk about cutting programs to the rich. You can’t have this kind of hypocrisy hanging over your head or people won’t believe you when you say that you are fiscally conservative and won’t see any point in voting for you. If you say you are for small government, be a small government party. Big business subsidies/corporate welfare has to be cut as well.

Social Issues

You need to let go of the social issues. Independents won’t vote for you if you continue to scare them with people like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. There are just not enough Christian fundamentalists left to make up for the people who you lose when you start talking about “legitimate rape,” abortion and denying gay rights. I am not saying vote for programs that you disagree with. I am saying drop the issue. No more talking about repealing Roe vs Wade and no more obstructing gay marriage. You and your leaders can just not show up for the votes if that’s what needs to happen. Not regulating who one marries, and what women do with their body is very much in line with the ideals of “small government.”


You party has to figure out a way to be more inclusive. Being inclusive does not mean getting a handful of minorities and pushing them out in front anytime someone asks you where all of the black/Asian/Latino people are. Being inclusive means recognizing the challenges that these demographics face and addressing them. Make them feel welcome in your party. Talk to them. Stop ignoring them.

Note: If the first thing you thought about when you read the above is, “You mean tell them they will get free stuff,” you still don’t get it and your party is doomed.

Be Nice

Finally, stop demonizing the electorate. If someone has to apply for food stamps because they lost their job and/or cannot find work, or receive welfare because they are so far below the poverty line they have no other options, it doesn’t necessarily make them a bad person. People who are actually compassionate, and know how to empathize, don’t like to hear people who are down on their luck being lambasted. They can put themselves into their shoes and imagine what it would be like if they lost their job and had no way to feed their children. This is called empathy.  The fact of the matter is that only 4% of the country receives welfare and 15% receive food stamps. 50% of the country voted for President Obama. People weren’t voting for “free stuff,” because 50% of the country doesn’t receive “free stuff.” Romney himself pointed to these programs as being in place for poor people when he was saying that he doesn’t worry about them. (Bad move, by the way.)

I know the odds of republicans actually taking this advice is slim to none, but I just wanted to put that out there because I don’t think that all TRUE conservative ideals are bad. They are just buried beneath all of the bullshit that the conservative media distracts the public with. And today, the new fear is that the democrats want to get rid of term limits in order for President Obama to have a 3rd term. This is something that will N E V E R happen because liberals wouldn’t go for it, neither would democrats. Sadly,the right is already scaring its base with this. I beg you conservatives, don’t let them do this to you. Reject it and demand better. The future of your party depends on it.


September 19, 2012

The American People are Orc Peons

Do you all know those on-line games where you can build an entire town up by just clicking on your “workers” and telling them what to do? They run off and the build structures as we sit back and “manage” our resources as we work through the game. We watch our  little workers go and build up our town for measly amounts of gold; and by the end of the game we have like a trillion gold pieces in the bank and we are sitting there flexing like, “YES I’M THE ISHNITZZZ!!” ::coughs::  Anyway…

… I think that is how people like Mitt Romney view average Americans. We are just mere plebs that they control in order to stack and hoard their gold… er, cash. They have created a system where we are always indebted in one way or another by way of school loans, mortgages, medical bills, and credit cards. They then claim that they cannot afford to pay their workers more, but in the meanwhile, they are taking home multi-million dollar bonuses every year – and each year those bonuses increase, even while we are sitting in a bad economy.

People like Romney just do not have the capacity to empathize with people who aren’t well off. It would be like me sitting back, looking at my little orc peon in Warcraft and wondering if he is making enough to take care of all of the little orcses back at home. We are the equivalent of computer pixels in the minds of the corporatists who hold office.

When Mitt Romney says that it isn’t his job to worry about “those people,” when he says that he doesn’t worry about poor people, he means it.



September 14, 2012

Mitt Romney Hugged by a…. Commoner??

Mitt Romney often looks as if he is uncomfortable around regular, everyday people. His grins tend to resemble that of a grimace. What would happen if a voter gave him a big bear hug, and swept him from his feet???

September 6, 2012

Republican Envy

The poor, bald, republican talking head on MSNBC (I don’t know his name) said last night, “I wish that our guys had someone who could do that… but, we don’t…” Awww. Poor guy!


What President Clinton did last night, and what the majority of the democrats who have given speeches at the DNC have done, requires HEART and SOUL. Two qualities completely lacking in the republican party. They stood up there, with their smug-filled smirks and entitled attitudes, mocking democrats, mocking the president, but that’s all they have. You can’t run a campaign on hate! Hate is DRAINING on the heart, it’s DRAINING on the soul.
Republicans can hardly muster up any excitement for their presidential candidate, (speakers at the DNC mentioned President Obama more in ONE NIGHT than the republicans mentioned Romney during their ENTIRE convention) and they definitely can’t gather around their previous president. If the way republicans have done things in the past works so well, they would have been able to trot out GWB & Co – but did they? Nope. Instead it’s, “Let’s pretend that they don’t exist – maybe people will forget.” Maybe their devout base is willing to overlook the fact that their policies haven’t worked – If they did would we be in this mess? But, the rest of us don’t have that mental defect. We DO remember and we WILL be voting OBAMA/Biden 2012!

March 23, 2010

It’s Health Care, Stupid!

OK, I could have taken a half a second to come up with a more original title for this post, but honestly, I’m fighting the Ambien to get this out. So work with me.

I had to post a blog today just to note history, for myself. I want to record my thoughts and observances…  as someone who has only been following this “debate” from afar for the last month or so. Politics burn me out. I get too wrapped up in it and there are times that I have to step back for my own personal sanity. With that said…

Let’s face it. The health care debate has been a heated one from the start. But as we got closer to actually PASSING health care reform, things reached a fever pitch, to say the least. One thing that, those of us who actually have functioning brain cells, realize is that dramatic change does not come without a big  fight. And a fight it has been….

As a 30 year old woman who did not have to live through the civil rights movement, it’s a tad shocking to see this kind of ugliness. It’s 2010. For a good 2 years, I’ve been stating that the republican party needed to get together and condemn the blatant fear-mongering, and the racism, bigotry and threats of bodily harm from those on the fringe. This is something that has been escalating since the 2008 election year; yet the GOP remains silent.

I have not heard the GOP, as a whole, come out and state that  their constituents behavior has been inappropriate. Why not call for REAL conservatives to come forth with their ideas and ideology? Without the side show circus of placards with President Obama depicted as Hitler (because we all know that Hitler was all about making sure people had health care) or Stalin or Mao or whatever the flavor of the day.

Hold that thought – I’ll get back to that in a bit, but I want to touch on the mention of the Civil Rights movement above, I want to add this quote from Newt Gingrich – so that I won’t forget:

Newt Gingrich outlined the Republican strategy going forward, saying that the Democrats “will have destroyed their party much as Lyndon Johnson shattered the Democratic Party for forty years” by signing civil rights into law.

Plus, when did Mister Newt Gingrich become so worried about the democratic party? If this will destroy the democratic party, shouldn’t he be out doing back flips and such? Cracking open bottles of Cristal to celebrate the occassion? No…?
The republicans are SCARED right now, but they want us to believe that their fear is that the democrats will be no more… Nevermind the fact that that doesn’t make sense…. or anything… Ah well, one must disguise their fear somehow. Right?
Back to the Civil Rights Movement:
I’m sure that if you polled the teabaggers,  chances are many of them would be in favor of repealing the Civil Rights act. After all, a lot of them are not yet over the “Great War of Yankee Aggression,” as Rep. Paul Broun likes to put it.
Mmm… The Great war of Yankee Aggression…
This twitter shot comes courtesy of a “conservative blogger.” I’m not going to post his name, and honestly, I’ve already for gotten it.
Here’s another:
Is this really about a President wanting to provide millions of Americans with health care?
Of course not. More people need to be unafraid to say it. I’m not afraid of being told that I’m just “playing the race card.”  We all know that the dynamics would be completely different if Barack Obama was not black. People would not struggle with remembering how to treat people respectfully. Decorum would not be an afterthought in the Chambers of Congress. Republicans would  not be yelling “Baby Killer” in a hissy fit over not getting their way. Based on this, and so much more, it’s clear to me that the republican message to the president is that THEY DO NOT RESPECT HIM! Period – point blank.

With that in mind, I just have to ask:

  • Where were the Conservative leaders when their constituents were outside calling Barney Frank a Faggot?
  • Where was the Conservative Leadership when Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spat upon, by their constituents?
  • Why is the GOP  also MIA when Rep. John Lewis is called a nigger?
  • Where was Michael Steele as democrat offices, across the country, were being vandalized?
How about you, Eric Cantor. Aren’t you their WHIP? We would all love to hear, in that charming southern drawl of yours, condemnation for what these nutcases are doing. Will there be any?
Will anyone from the GOP get on their soapbox and DEMAND civility and basic human decency?

September 15, 2009

Cross Wielding Teabagger + Voices of the Teabagger Movement. (Video)

Yes America, it’s true.  The media is giving power to the most ignorant segment of our country. Of course, the first clue that these people were not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier is when they decided to call themselves “Teabaggers.” While they may be a great source of entertainment for those of us who have more than two brain cells to bump together, the topic of health care is an important one. These people are grossly uninformed, misinformed, and  generally motivated by their fear of the unknown. Never once do they consider that perhaps they know so little because they are so overwhelmingly brainless. Oh, and that they refuse to get their news from anywhere other than right-wing propagandists and Fox News – who are bought and paid for by the same corporations that have brought us to the brink of disaster.

Teabagger, Remember when we used to burn these??

Teabagger, "Remember when we used to burn these??" No, he didn't actually SAY that...

Video Highlights:

They believe that czars are bad, generally because it is an unfamiliar word in their vocabulary. When informed that Reagan also used czars, and that czars were expanded under George W. Bush, the crowd expressed dumbfounded confusion and disbelief. Their level of skepticism increased further as they were educated on the roles of the czars here in America. That they wield no executive power and act as advisers.  Not to mention that most of them have been confirmed! Dubiously, one man questioned, “and you know this how?” If Glenn Beck didn’t say it, it must not be true. One woman worried about whether or not they are given land to lord over (like those czars that Caesar had back in “Roman Times.” )

Another deep thinker also contributed to the discussion about czars, stating that, “in Russia, czars are kings. I want people to know that in America, Jesus is king.'” I wish that the guy interviewing her would have said, “many people believe that Jesus was a socialist.” But, he may not have gotten out of there alive.

Other Highlights:

A man goes on and on about abortions and how black women make up a high percentage of said abortions. But this has nothing to do with race.

A man wielding a wooden cross, typically used for cross burnings by the KKK, states that he had no clue that the rally was going on. He goes on to ask the people around him if they wanted to sign the cross, which already had several signatures. But, this has nothing to do with race.

More mention of President Obama being a Muslim, and not a Christian as he states. But, this has nothing to do with race.

A man holds up a tall sign that proudly states, “Joe Wilson for President.” He changed his mind after he was informed that Joe Wilson actually voted to pay the hospital bills of illegal immigrants that visited the Emergency Room – with taxpayers money.

A man states that there are simply not enough doctors in America for everyone to receive health care. That we would be 200,000 doctors short!  When asked what should be done for the millions of Americans who lack coverage, he didn’t have a solution. Especially when there is no solution that would conjure up more doctors. In other words, those without health care, feel free to rot.

A woman states her belief that President Obama is interested in building an army of 2 million people who will be as well armed as the military. She goes on the repeat the false claim, even as she is corrected. I guess she also believes in FEMA Death Camps.

A man states that Hitler wooed all with his fancy words, just like President Obama. Does this mean that all educated men with charisma should be out of the question for the presidency in the future?

A woman whose been in the health care industry 20 years claims that the, “Bury Obamacare with Kennedy” signs are simply “sarcastic.” While another individual  goes on to state that the sign was okay, because the Kennedy’s had “done other stuff too,” though he could not think of any of that stuff “off the bat.”

And finally, ignoramuses attending the rally believe that being a communist, fascist, and socialist are all the same thing. Practically interchangeable. To top it off, when further questioned about just WHY they are protesting, most of them can’t come up with an even halfway coherent response.


There are other blatant examples of the overall ignorance of the crowd. All brought together by the hard work of Glenn Beck and Faux News.

These are the people keeping us from having a REAL health care debate. And their “representatives” are allowing it to happen!

At the end of the video, a woman is in a tizzy about how she is frustrated that they aren’t being listened to by the government, as a whole…

God help us if they ever are.

September 13, 2009

Teabaggers: This is what 1+ million people at the US Capitol looks like…

The Million Man March

The Million Man March

2009 Presidential Inauguration - Right Click picture, click View Image to see entire picture.

Obama Inauguration vs Teabagger's Rally

Just how pathetic do you have to inflate numbers to that degree? And if you would lie about that, what else are you lying about? Things that make you go, “mmmm!”

September 12, 2009

Read My Lips: No Pubic Option!

Republican Teabaggers, in all of their intellectual dexterity, descended on the US Capitol today. A crowd numbering 5,000 or 2 million people (I’m sure official numbers are due shortly) came from near and far wielding well written and thought provoking placards meant to make a strong, unified statement!

The classiest of such placards stated:

Such a touching display of human decency. Keep it classy, Teabaggers.

Well what can I say, really? The TB’s are fed up and are putting their foot down!

No wasteful spending.

No fiscal irresponsibility.

No Gov’ment hands on their gov’ment Medicare.


No Siree! Not on their watch!

If only they weren’t a day late and a trillion dollars short.

Now, as an American, I can understand how it’s difficult to know when it is the right and wrong time to make a stand. Especially when Fox News hasn’t spelled it out for you by way of ominous music, misleading/untruthful headlines and big scary looking pictures of mean people who don’t look like you. If only Glenn Beck had been on FN those 8 years that Bush was president. Maybe things would be different!

At any rate, that’s the past. This here is about the future of these United States of America!

Just say no to Obamas Pubic Option!!!

Just say no to Obama's Pubic Option!!!

Now, while today is the first time I’ve heard about this so called “Pubic Option” that Obama insists on cramming down our throats, I personally don’t see the problem with free bikini waxes. Especially if it is followed by a free Teabagging session! That said, I am a reasonable person. So, for the betterment of this great nation, I am willing to side with the republicans on this one. No Pubic Option!

There! A compromise with the Republican Party: Yes We Can!

All joking, snarkiness and sarcasm aside, I am simply amused by this movement that the republican party has embarked on.  At the same time, I’m forced to ponder… Just where was this anger and outrage when the Bush Administration happen to lose billions of dollars in Iraq? When I say “lose” I don’t mean that they placed a bad bet on a Super Bowl game. I mean that they have no clue where it is!  It’s just somewhere in the abyss… That abyss, of course, may start with an H and end with an N, but hey, now is not the time for speculation!

Furthermore, where was this outrage when the deficit began to grow under Bush/Chaney, helped along by huge tax cuts given to the wealthiest people in the country?  Now, I know that Dick Chaney said that Reagan proved deficits don’t matter, but how is this theory working for the average American today? Better yet, if Reagan proved that deficits indeed don’t matter – what’s the problem with, theoretically, increasing the deficit in a way that will help Americans when we need it most? Are we really concerned with the wealthy more than we are concerned with the middle and lower class in this country? Or was Chaney saying whatever he needed to say to get people on the side of fiscal irresponsibility?

Not to mention, years and years before the financial crisis came to a head last year, economists warned that we were headed for trouble. Big trouble. Yet, the Bush Administration, and their republican controlled congress, stayed the course. They did not stray from their ultimate objective. An objective that had nothing to do with me, you, our grandparents, nor our grandchildren. An objective that lined the pockets of Big Oil, Big Pharmaceuticals, and Big Business in general.

I can still remember quite well, republicans brushing off any mention of wasteful and irresponsible spending in regards to the war and the Bush administration as a whole.  When, in June of 2007 the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released a report that stated the US Government was committed to spending $1.1 trillion with companies holding government contracts, there was not one peep out of these so-called fiscal responsible TB’s.

More than $200 billion in taxpayer money was spent on projects for which only one or a handful of companies submitted bids, the committee found.

That figure has more than tripled since 2000, according to the report, and now comprises more than half of all government spending outside of entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Teabaggers, can you spell “Disingenuous Hypocrite?” Probably not.

A picture is worth a trillion words:



God bless Amercia, indeed.

September 11, 2009

Republicans: Why Should we vote for you? (Reprise)

9/11 Tribute

9/11 Tribute

Before I start this entry, I would like to take a moment to remember the 9/11 tragedy and its victims during, and after the event.

9/11 had to be one of the most surreal experiences of my life, topped only by the deaths of my parents the 1+ year prior to the event. In fact, 9/11 came exactly 1 year and 10 days after my fathers death in 2000. I remember being in a deep depressive fog that I just could not shake. Due to that depression, I did not awake that day until after the 2nd plane had hit.

When I turned on my television set (it was already on CNN) I just recall being confused and dumbfounded, but I must admit that much of that day is still a blur to me. I can’t sit here and recount the exact second I heard about it, nor my visceral reaction; other than it was the ultimate What The F–k moment. While immensely shocked, I was strangely void of emotion. It was when I witnessed a female reporter struggling to contain her emotions that it all began to sink it.

What can I say? I am good for having delayed reactions. After the levees broke in New Orleans, it wasn’t until the telethon (where Kanye West made Mike Myers squirm, and Chris Tucker eyes pop out of its sockets) that I broke down. Of course, with Katrina, I had my own personal reasons for why it was even more heart wrenching than it would have been normally. I’m sure I will share that at some point.

Meanwhile, I still have my main entry to get to where I ask the question: Republicans, why do you deserve our vote?

I wonder if the republican party realizes that, just because the democrats got voted into office, it doesn’t mean that everyone who voted for them think that they are perfect? It’s not like we are all happy with everything that they have done, (or have not done for that matter…) But, here’s my ultimate inquiry: When your only other real option is the Republican Party… why in the world would any sane, rational, informed individual vote for them?

I hear people talking about voting the democrats out of office in 2010 because they didn’t “do what they promised” and it’s clear that they aren’t really thinking things through. That they are just in the heat of the moment… (I mean, talk about the desire for instant gratification.) But, when it comes down to actually voting, why would the public, as a whole, trust the party that was at the helm when our economy tanked? When 9/11 hit? (“We kept you safe for 8 years,” my eye.) A party who, for the 8 years, did nothing to even attempt reform healthcare?

Why should we trust a party that has fallen back on their previous tactics of scaring people into voting for them? Why should we trust a party that doesn’t actually put forth any solutions, but simultaneously say NO to anything that is proposed by the opposing party? Particularly when it helps we, the little people?

These are questions that the republicans should be asking themselves, and what we the American people should demand them to answer. Why should people who are truly open to voting for either party WANT to vote republican? Do they realize that they aren’t gaining new supporters with their fear mongering? That they are just pandering to a very loud, yet very minority base? Sarah Palin referred to them as the “real America” during the campaign. Yes Sarah, they are real Americans. The real small group of Americans who will swallow anything that she and the rest of her colleagues tell them. I have a newsflash for these “real” people:  Just because more people may be unhappy with the president than before, it doesn’t mean that those  same unhappy people are daft enough to support the republican party come election time.

Best case scenario, for the republicans, is that they simply don’t vote at all. Worst case scenario, is they scare even more people into going out to vote AGAINST them. Like me! I stood in line four hours to vote the democrats into power last election, and I’ll do it again!

What people have to realize is that it’s early, not even a full year into Obama’s first term. While the republicans may feel that they are winning a couple of tiny battles here and there,  I predict that these underhanded tactics are going to come back to haunt their party. Americans are fickle and irrational at times, but once time passes and things DO improve, we will have forgotten about the fright-wing and their desperate antics. And… in the end, they will be even worse off than they are now. Much to my glee.

As of now, I know that there is no way under the sun I could ever consider voting even one republican into office. So, Republicans, how do go about changing my mind?  What are YOU going to do to better the country I live in? When will the “little people” that you step on to serve your masters begin to matter?

Why do you deserve my vote?

September 10, 2009

And it’s all gone to hell…

Wow! Last night was incredible. I must say, I found the entire Presidential Address to Congress to be IMMENSELY entertaining. I mean, what can I say? How often do you get to see a party behave like petulant children, unable to get their way, and therefore throwing fits DURING a presidential speech?

Oh, there was a’hooting and a’hollering.

Oh, there was a’waving of random signs and pieces of paper in the air.

And to top it off? The phrase heard around the world:


Boy oh boy! My Jesus, they just could NOT contain themselves!

“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” Is this the new Republican mantra?

Now, if only they had gotten this fired up when it came to the wasteful spending that is the Iraq war! If only they had gotten that fired up when big businesses and the wealthiest people in the country were getting tax cuts left and right! If only they had gotten this upset when all of the American jobs started to be outsourced to other countries. If only they had gotten that fired up when big businesses started handing out jobs to illegal aliens, that they now want to fight against covering with American insurance. (Good enough to work for slave wages, not good enough to be treated if you get sick.) If only they had gotten that fired up when talks of deregulation began to take root. IF FREAKING ONLY!

But they didn’t.

If they had, MAYBE things would be a lot different. MAYBE, just MAYBE we would be able to actually take care of the American people when they get sick, as they do in other countries. MAYBE we wouldn’t be in this cluster f#ck economically. MAYBE there would be more jobs to go around and unemployment wouldn’t be near 10%. MAYBE we would not have lost thousands of American lives in wars that have served to do nothing more than line the pockets of the uber rich and heartless.

Maybe, just maybe.

Today it was reported that the bonuses that bank give out each year come from overdraft fees and credit card penalties. Yes, dare you spend a buck more than whats available, or you are contributing to the 27 BILLION dollars that is accumulated each year in overdraft fees. Please tell me why these CEO’s deserve my 35 bucks? Why do they deserve yours? What did they do to earn it? As far as I can tell, their entire purpose in life is to nickel and dime us every which way from Sunday. Mmm… I guess that IS worthy of such bonuses. Job well done guys!

But seriously, why is that OK? Why aren’t people picketing their offices and demanding their overdraft fees back? And better yet, how many people in America medical bills could be taken care of with that $27 Billion?

Now, there are people who say that people should learn to balance their check books. Bla bla bla. Yes, I agree that we are each responsible for our own finances. But that still doesn’t tell me why the fat cats at the banks DESERVE to get that money. Should there be a penalty for over drawing your account? Sure, but there should also be laws in place to protect you from these overdraft fees. Laws that will prevent some of the practices that cause even the most financially conservative person to accidentally overdraft their accounts.  My own personal experience involves depositing checks that take days, or maybe even a full week to clear, while I still have bills that are scheduled to be paid. Might I add that they don’t tell you that there will be an hold until AFTER they process the check, and deposit into your account?

While some banks do allow you to set up a savings account to cover any overdrafts, the default should be that the bank DOES NOT cover purchases that you can’t afford. So… if you try to buy a dress that is $150 and all you have is $149 on your account, that purchase should not be approved. Instead of that, the current default is, “sure, we’ll cover your purchase that is a dollar short, but it’s going to cost ya. ” This simply should not be allowed.

At this point you may ask yourself, “but, where would those bankers much deserved (insert eyeroll here) multi-million dollar bonuses come from? How will their children eat??

You will excuse me if I don’t care, right? After all, all of the hoopla and discontent surrounding health care reform and whether or not we can really afford it rings disingenuous when practices such as these are allowed to exist.

What is it with the conservative base that has convinced them that it is a good idea to vote against their interest? Why are they concern with whether or not the private insurance company survives a public option? Do those private insurance companies care about all of the services and treatments that they DENY to people that they do cover? Do they care about the millions of people they turn away due to “high risk?” Do they care about the little person? In my, and millions of others opinion, the answer is a big fat, RESOUNDING, “No!”

So why are the conservative constituents otherwise convinced? And will they ever see the big picture? I’ve seen conservatives without jobs, without health insurance, and who are sick, fighting to stop health care reform. They’ve been convinced that they don’t deserve it.

“Why should I be so lucky? Why do I deserve to live a better life? If only I had worked as hard as the bankers, I  would be able to afford treatment for my breast/colon/prostate/stomache cancer.”

What can I say? Maybe they are right. Let’s face it, if God wanted us to have a better life, He would have made us all Bankers.

To suffer is a way of life.