Hannity, your desperation is showing.

Sunday night, the brilliant mind of Sean Hannity embarked on a mission to destroy the name and character of Barack Obama by presenting to the American public an array of misinformation, half-truths and out and out lies. While there is nothing new about Hannity’s disdain for Obama, this special took on an even more serious tone, complete with an ominous and fear inspiring soundtrack usually reserved for suspense and horror movies.

A large source of the information that Hannity shoved down the throats of the American people originates with a man by the name of Andy Martin. This is a man that has been described as “mentally unstable” by the U.S. Selective Service, and claims to have found Saddam Hussein two full months before the US Military, by way of scouring holes in Iraq with two dogs. Files from the U.S. Selective Service also noted that Martin has a “moderately-severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.” In short? He’s wacko.

But wait, it gets better.

Andy Martin is also on record as an anti-Semite. How can one describe themselves as “no greater friend to Israel,” as Hannity did last night when he was called out by an Obama spokesman, even begin to entertain a man who has said, and I quote, “I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did, when Jew survivors are operating as a wolf pack to steal my property.”

In addition, back in 1983, Martin referred to a federal judge as, “a crooked slimy Jew, who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race.”


And we are questioning Obama’s character, Mr. Hannity? It that right? Last night you said that you thought that the things that Martin said were reprehensible. Well Obama has also denounced the actions of William Ayers. The heart of your entire case against Obama is who he is, or once was, associated with in the past. And all you can do is turn to a snake like Andy Martin to support this claim?

Mmm…. Don’t look now, but I think your desperation is showing.

2 Comments to “Hannity, your desperation is showing.”

  1. How can you not see the real picture? Open your eyes. It would be nice if Obama could just tell the American people the TRUTH. I can NOT believe a word from him. If I believe that Obama sat in that church for 20 years and did not hear any of Wright’s racial & radical preachings, then I am a complete idiot like you.
    He just has to many scary associations.

  2. If you really believe what this mentally ill Anti-Semite and Sean Hannity told you Sunday night, then I suggest you head off to Lowe’s or Home Depot and buy enough supplies to build you a bunker. Then, I suggest you stock up on weaponry and other provisions, enough to last for at least four years. Maybe longer. Finally, secure enough haz-mat suits for your entire family.

    If you REALLY believe that Obama is such a danger to this nation, I expect no less.

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